Spring League 5

Week 4 was cancelled due to weather.

Game Scores

10:9 Gold v. Blue

10:5 Gold v. White

9:6 Black v. Blue

9:5 Black v. White


Blue- JP and Colum both had some nice layout catches. Colum also threw a clutch two-pointer in game 1. Callahan and Clemson were always hustling for the disc offense.

Black- Black: Dan threw a beautiful two-point hammer to Caleb (which spoiled Captain Pribe’s full-field into-the-wind pull. He’s very sad about it). He had numerous 2 point hammers that day. Johnny had two really sick layout catches and Jarred is super fast and always open for both deep balls and grinding the unders! Kelsey was ready for an easy in cut or a reset every time she was needed.

White- Always the most fun and spirited team with great athleticism. Peggy is somehow magically always open. Kurt diving everywhere and bringing the beach home with him. The background pirate music ain’t bad either.

Gold- Kevin and Paolo both snapped some flashy high release assists. Paolo made the wind seem non existent. He was throwing gorgeous hucks all day. I don’t know how many assists he had, but he definitely lead the team. Michi was also a huge help. She recorded 4 hand blocks on the day. She was also a big help with being another strong handler on a day with a lot of wind.


Blue: 1-7

Black: 5-3

White: 3-5

Gold: 7-1

Spring League Week 3

Game Scores

8:5 Black v. Gold

7:6 White v. Blue

10:9 White v. Black

8:7 Gold v. Blue


Blue- Anselm for several good marks that forced difficult throws. Sabrina for always being open and some solid handling. Also, Caleb, Tommy, and Stephen for picking up and getting lots of scores

Black- Shawna had an incredible defensive sky on Gold's Jackson and Juliann; a huge double wipe followed. Dave and Ryan looked they weren't on sand when they made cuts. Great defense and smart choices from Jarred and Kelsey.

White- Sean had one of the most amazing high reach grabs for an upwind score that I've ever seen! Kurt just never slowed down!

Gold- Paolo for some incredible hucks on a very windy day where few saw success. He even connected to Clyde (awesome catch) for a game winner on universe. Brianne for weekly impressive defense. Especially for someone so new.


Blue: 1-5

Black: 3-3

White: 3-3

Gold: 5-1

Spring League Week 2

Game Scores

10:7 White v. Black

12:7 Black v. Blue

10:8 Gold v. White

10:9 Gold v. Blue


Blue- Sabrina for being the Blue Team. (LOL)

Black- Dave Brown dominating the middle of the field and always being open. Kelsey had back to back Ds to help seal the second game!

White- Corey with 2 successful full-field hucks for scores. What a crowd pleaser.

Gold- Clyde for being Commish for the day hauling all the stuff. Brianne again for playing both games without subs. Kevin and Paolo with their nuts handler movement.


Blue: 1-3

Black: 2-2

White: 1-3

Gold: 4-0

Spring League Week 1

What beautiful weather to start Spring League with! Happy Easter to all that celebrate it!

Game Scores

9:6 Gold v. White

8:6 Black v. Blue

9:6 Gold v. Black

11:6 Blue v. White


Callahan for always grinding on defense. Alex for solid handling. Jaime for braving the cold. Josh for being a constant deep threat.

Black- Jarred on Black Team for some nice catches. Shawna for playing every point (once she arrived). Steven for a killer layout to take us to half in game one (iirc).

White- Jake for laying out everyone. Michi for showing up to be a sub and being superb. Kurt for bringing home all the sand on the beach.

Gold- Extra shoutout to gold for attendance. Only missing 1 player! Team Heathens (jk) minus DeHousts! Clyde for wearing Mat’s Jorts and supplying him Pitt vipers for the afternoon. Brianne for having never played ultimate in her life and picking things up pretty naturally from Mat’s 5 minute explanation of how to play - she’s got an instinct for defense! Matt DeHoust for bailing out a lot of high stall counts. He was consistently in the right place at the right time.


Blue: 1-1

Black: 1-1

White: 0-2

Gold: 2-0

Winter League Week 8

Game Scores

25:18 Green v. Pink

27:23 Blue v. Black

27:26 Black v. Pink

21:20 Green v. Blue


It was Scott’s last game this week. We will miss you! Also we totally saw that you switched shirts and jumped into every good game/hi-five line. Every time I turned around, he was wearing a different color shirt.

Shout out to Godwin who had a lot of great throws and decisions. JP also had some great deep scores, Cat had tons of Ds and both of them were always grinding. Cameron a force on d as always. Almost got another head d again.

Green- Mark was so fast and so good on defense! Abby had a crazy lay out grab near the end of the blue-green game. Adante was a very consistent force for green and had some key point blocks.  Will and Dan Bauer were great for green.  Cara had some big catches and Ds. We won both games because of the play of our women though. 

Pink- Morgan ran a half marathon and still had to energy to never stop cutting…..crazy. Braxton was really solid. Very consistent moving of the disc and throws. Scott scoring on Jared definitely deserved a shoutout! The whole team deserved it for playing really hard in their last game!

Black- Christophe had a SICK catch that almost cost him his life. It did cost him a fractured shoulder though, so please be careful. We have to talk about the TWO CALLAHANS in one game from Chris H. and Sean. Unbelievable you guys!


Black: 11-5

Green: 10-6

Blue: 9-7

Pink: 2:14

Winter League Week 7

Game Scores

26:25 Blue v. Black

23:20 Green v. Pink

23:20 Black v. Green

24:15 Blue v. Pink


Pink - Shoutout to all the ladies who picked up! Also shoutout to Katie and Anna who were working so hard while they were able to play. Dangler was playing in sicko mode. Austin was playing really strong defense all night. Scott was also doing work as a cutter; he was super involved and getting open.

Blue - We were impressed by the blue ladies for grinding even though they were down numbers. Blue had really defense overall. Caleb, Sydney, and Jared were on fire getting open on blue, and Cam dominated on defense as usual. The buzzer hammer from Godwin to Quinn for the winning point for Blue v. Black was incredible!

Black - Sam and Nick were working hard and making important plays and Naomi was always getting open and getting Ds.

Green - Cara had a sick layout catch! Should have got that on video. Shawna was also a big fan of it. Barron was also moving the disc a lot for green. Rachel, Peggy, and our pick up, JP were really working it out there. Adante moved the disc well on offense.


Black: 10-4

Blue: 8-6

Green: 8-6

Pink: 2:12

Winter League Week 6

Game Scores

20:19 Green v. Blue

22:16 Black v. Pink

29:18 Blue v. Pink

27:21 Green v. Black


Several injuries tonight. Ice packs and band-aids were thoroughly utilized.

Pink - Nuk was steady as always. Braxton was killing it on his first day. Callahan was working his tail off. Also big shout out to Megan, Izzy, and Mary who were all gassed after playing 3-2 but still working in the second game.

Blue - Catherine was an absolute monster all night. Caleb found all the open cuts. David P. doing alot of work on the field. Shawna had a great layout D. Stephen K threw a scoober dime for a score.

Black -Naomi was working all the unders! Some great d’s. “Dan Wilson is God's gift to ultimate.” His ankle also looks like Jared’s bicep. “Laura would have skied Jared if she were there.”

Green - Green played well top to bottom. Dan Wilson, Christophe, and Godwin all helped as pickups for sure. The ladies were cooking yesterday. I believe they had a large majority of the scores. Also full attendance on the ladies side! Captain Barron had some nice d’s and 2 sick layout d’s. “I don't know how there were all those injuries and none were Nolan landing or Dan Bauer trucking someone.”


Black: 9-3

Blue: 6-6

Green: 7-5

Pink: 2:10

Winter League Week 5

Game Scores

24:21 Black v. Pink

20:16 Green v. Blue

23:20 Black v. Blue

25:22 Pink v. Green


Pink - Mars was a playing lights out all night. Dangler came in and really helped the team on both offense and defense. Caleb M. had some more awesome Ds throughout the night. Katie gets her weekly shoutout because she’s consistently open. Austin B. was working his tail off covering several experienced players and held his own.

Blue - Matt D with the almost lay out D on Sam (still sick even though sam made an incredible grab) and he also caught multiple scores! Forrest does a lot to add stability to our offense and in the handler space. Stephen Kimmel showed the wall whose boss by punching it with his head.

Black -Sam had a couple great scores, one on his dad. Christophe had some great throws with the right touch to sit in the end zone. Kate O. had a great league debut. Austin K. was solid; cutting at all the right times, several scores.

Green - Abby’s debut was banging! Got several d’s and lots of scores while on O. Adante was putting in work! Solid cuts unders and deeps. Several d's.


Black: 8-2

Blue: 5-5

Green: 5-5

Pink: 2-8

Winter League Week 4

Game Scores

25:21 Blue v. Black

29:16 Green v. Pink

22-18 Black v. Green

23-14 Blue v. Pink


General shout out to all of the teams and people who helped with subbing! Attendance was a little low this week but still great games!

Pink - Anna caught the buzzer beater score over like 4 people! Caleb M. made his normal ridiculous catches. Megan was all over the place and catching everything.

Blue - David Pabon was cookin’! Had a lot of great throws and multiple assists! Caleb P. threw a hammer for a score that was very pleasing to the crowd. Josh P. was grinding the unders on offense and had some great defense! Godwin was killing it at defending hucks in the endzone. Stephen K caught a minimum of 7 passes thrown directly at his ankles. For a tall dude to come up with all of those catches is honestly crazy impressive!

Black - Austin K. was playing like it was natties. Had multiple sick bids and catches. Hana had to play an entire half savage and still managed to go every other most points!

Green - Barron with the catch handblock that was absolutely insane! Upstairs couldn’t stop talking about it! Peggy is just an unstoppable force. She’s open under and deep at all times. Nolan had some great layout bids as per usual. How he gets so much airtime, I will never know. Tim was great in the handler space. Rachel was awesome at getting open in the endzone and had boundless energy (she also subbed during one of the games, which was lovely). Overall green had great defense!


Black: 6-2

Blue: 5-3

Green: 4-4

Pink: 1-7

Winter League Week 3

Game Scores

19:18 Green v. Black

28:19 Blue v. Pink

26:16 Black v. Pink

18:17 Green v. Blue


Return of our Cypress and Merry men players!

Pink - Katie Powell was working her butt off even while wearing Converse. The “howling dogs” were worth it. Keys had a sick D and his cuts were spectacular. Langston’s putting his work in this week to make up for his 2 prior week absences. Huffman got big air d’s and had superb cuts.

Blue - Josh P. was on fire; lay out handblock and multiple scores and d’s. Almost had a Callanhan. Cameron took a full huck d to the back of his head. I (Cara) really thought I was gonna score with that huck and then I laughed my butt off when he ran in with his head. Mikaela had several Ds and did a good job working the unders and the break side space

Black - Naomi wrecking it with some great cuts. Austin K. with his sneaky sneaky d and several scores. George played well on his first day, happy to have him. Christophe had some great Ds. Sean is a menace out there. Sam had a score and big flex. Delaney had a good D. Charles in his pajamas did a great job moving the disc.

Green - Tim leading the charge in cool and smart offense. Got big in the deep. Jacob n mark working their butts off while on offense in the mid area. Some some great d’s with air also. Shawna’s words were “Where the hell did Mark and Jacob come from?! They were so fast and jumped so high!”. Peggy “dogged” on blue (Shawn’s words). She got a hand block and then immediately scored deep on a ball on Shawna. Paolo was a rock.


Black: 5-1

Blue: 3-3

Green: 3-3

Pink: 1-5

Winter League Week 2

Game Scores

13:34 Pink v. Black

22:18 Blue v. Green

23:20 Black v. Blue

24:22 Pink v. Green


Pink - Caleb for trying to destroy his body. Katie was all over the place on defense. Nuk was such a strong steady handler for them in the second game facilitating their offense. Keys listened to the hecklers and threw a hammer to Katie P for (almost) a score. Clyde is a baller, though his thumbers were shut down quick by that wire.

Blue - Sydney was nasty; layouts and run downs all over. She also caught everything two feet above her defenders. JP caught a disc with her face at one point. They also had a poachy defense green could not figure that game.

Black - Shouting out Dan Wilson for NOT laying out head first into the wall this week. Hana and Sean were the VIPs this week with their sure and steady plays. Black pleased the crowd with more fun moves that did not always pan out but always entertaining. Laura with her sticky hands and sacrificing her ankle. Wishing you speedy recovery.

Green - Special thanks to Hana, Sean, and Luke for subbing due to low numbers. Rachel’s debut at TWU proved strong. She was everywhere with great cuts and a number of scores. Nolan once again getting great air all over the place for d’s.


Black: 4-0

Blue: 2-2

Green: 1-3

Pink: 1-3

Winter League Week 1


28:23 Black v. Blue

21:18 Green v. Pink

26:10 Black v. Green

28:9 Blue v. Pink

Black - Laura killing it on smart throws and cuts. Sam almost having a layout score and finding the open spaces. Naveed had alot of D’s and scores. Abi had a cheeky lefty score.

Green - Will and Stephen G. playing so calmly and making smart decisions. Josh N. and Jaime getting lots of disc touches. Peggy always being open and great stamina. Fighting the good fight, despite low numbers.

Pink - Morgan always running and open. Always grinding. Caleb was working. All around pink was grinding, despite low numbers.

Blue - Sidney did a great job getting open for multiple scores. Mikaela had 3D’s in the end zone. Josh Pribe for never stopping and coming back to handle, making him even more dangerous.


Black: 2-0

Blue: 1-1

Green: 1-1

Pink: 0-2

Summer League Finals!

White- Huffman had several huge Ds against us to save points. Mitch for the first half of the game was grinding, he had a bunch of great cuts and great Ds.

Orange-Matt T was the force behind oranges offense, and had a couple nice Ds for good measure. Jason luster had two lay outs Ds today and one of them was absolutely next-level insane!! Craig did a great job working the unders and moving the disc! Chris had some nice deep cuts-hope his knee is ok.

Blue- The Jaime to Peggy connection was unstoppable. Blue as a whole did a great job digging in and coming back from 6-0 deficit to make it a one score game!

Silver-JC had a bunch of key scores for us. Josh Nantz had a critical hand block vs white, and Alex and Josh Pribe were grinding across both games which was huge for our downfield movement. Shout out to all of silver’s handlers who worked it patiently and just did a great job of not making mistakes and finding their open people. Josh Pribe is the lucky charm of leagues, Silver wins the season and Josh gets his 5th straight league win.

Summer League Week 10

Last Games of the Season

White Beats Black

Silver Beats Green

Blue Beats Orange

First Game of the Post Season

White Beats Black

Green Forfeited with low numbers. Blue goes to semis.

Orange and Silver have a bye.

Next Week

Silver v. White

Blue v. Orange

Green v. Black (funsies)



Missing a couple bc of missing captains. Sorry!

Black- Christophe on black, got too many Ds to count in the handler space and was also a tough guard on offense. Shoutout Clyde for calling out of work just to sky Godwin. Clyde for solid deep and under throws and some big grabs. Nick for really consistent play, spreading out defenders and good deep cuts when others were tired.

White- Shoutout the ladies on white for carrying us. Cara had unlimited unders, Mae had a few points where she was every other and dominated, and Alex’s deep cuts were on point and she brought down a couple huge hucks for scores. Mitch had some great catches and was consistently available at higher stalls.

Summer League Week 9

Blue v. White - 9:12 white

Orange v. Green - 11:10 orange

Silver v. Black - 10:8 silver

Orange v. White - 11:10 orange

Silver v. Blue - 13:8 silver

Black v. Green - 12:11 black


White- Daniel and Tommy. Both had a handful of scores and were super helpful for us in the end zone. Alex on white. She was making smart cuts all game and was always getting open. Played really good defense as well.

Orange- Shoutout Sam on orange. Had a couple point savings grabs including a sweet layout to save an O point. Also played really well as a rail in the zone offense, getting it several times and being really smart and chilly throwing the disc. Matt T could not miss on his hucks to Kurt, Chris, and others. Sam played lock down defense and Ryan's ambidextrous trickery opened up some good RedZone opportunities

Blue- I don’t know his name but someone from Blue got a Callahan! Nico was all over the place, crushing the pulls and grinding throughout. Peggy was also working for blue, frequently taking on a guy matchup and catching a couple nice few passes. She also always provided a good outlet when blue was getting high in the stall count. Dan S. as a nightmare to guard and went from handler to deep cut in a matter of seconds, never stopped running.

Green - Katrina had a huge sky for a goal vs black. Stack had a ridiculous layout grab deep and generally crushed it in both sides of the disc. Tommy Jackson caught a million unders. Spangler Andy and I threw consistently good pulls. Played both games close despite missing several players. Shout out to Caleb for picking up with us and contributing solid two way play.

Black - Determious was grinding for black, working hard up all over the field. Juliann was crushing it the whole game and had great spirit throughout! Really strong team offense. Unselfish, quick disc movement and break side attacks made their offensive system challenging to defend. If I tried to list everyone that made that possible the list would be too long, but Mary and Nick D were uncoverable and Christophe was unselfish and deadly accurate moving the disc horizontally in the handler space

Silver- Defensively as a team we did a great job learning 2-3-2 on the fly. Katie had huge deep Ds, and Nolan had couple point saving layout Ds. Offensively John was a force for us, winning every 50/50, and getting a ton of layout scores. JC did great work cutting and being patient with the disc

League Standings

Blue - 6:8

Black - 6:8

Silver - 12:2

Green - 5:9

Orange - 8:6

White - 5:9

Summer League Week 8

Black v. Orange - 10:6 black

White v. Silver - 10:9 white

Green v. Blue - 9:13 blue

Silver v. Orange - 10:8 silver

Green v. White - 11:8 green

Black v. Blue - 11:6 black


White- Godwin had probably half a dozen Ds against Silver. JCP was crushing it for white in the handler role. Kiya handled really well and was helpful in the reset spot all day. She also had laser-accurate throws. Austin was all over the place getting open including a crazy layout goal against green. Big shoutout to Dante for joining us as well and doing what he does best - getting open deep in the end zone.

Orange- Elsa was grinding against Silver, playing every point and drawing tough matchups every time. Kurt did not stop running once and was huge for generating downfield movement for orange. Tim had some pivotal Ds and had a huge score over two silver players (whether they ran into each other or not isn’t important).

Blue- Dan Scherbanske was deadly on defense and Beth caught 1000 goals. Donnie had two D’s in one point, ending in bookends for him. Dan S had two bookends for the evening.

Green - Katrina got two deep D's and a score on a single point and helped fill in for our depleted handler squad. Tyler stepped up his throw and go game and Jackson made several critical blocks vs white. Stack for catching some wild passes that should’ve been turns except for his awareness and agility. Spangler and jackson handled really well and made it difficult for white to get turns. Ariana was also doing really well and got open multiple times on just about every possession.

Black - Titus for being the nicest person I’ve ever had guard me, high-fived after every point and apologized for barely touching me. Demetrios was 1000% MVP at league this week-always grinding and making amazing plays. Dan B had insane grabs. Paolo was given the green light on whatever throws he wanted and he did not disappoint! Repeating what everyone else said, Titus is a great player with the best attitude! Literally cheering on players on all teams all at once.

Silver- Nolan and Fiko were playing fantastic handler defense across both games. Josh Nantz had a huge footblock against orange and was grinding throughout. Josh Pribe was all over the place getting Ds and making up ground, and Michi was consistently beating whichever guy white put on her.

Un-shoutout: Silver’s Carter for throwing to Orange’s snake in a grass :)

League Standings

Blue - 6:6

Black - 5:7

Silver - 10:2

Green - 5:7

Orange - 6:6

White - 4:8

Summer League Week 7

White v. Orange- 9:10 oj

Silver v. Blue- 13:10 silver

Green v. Black- 7:10 black

White v. Black- 12:10 white

Silver v. Green- 13:5 silver

Orange v. Blue - 9:8 oj


Black- Nuk and Larry for stepping up and helping me with strategy in the absence of Jared! Both Nuk and Larry were constant forces on our team, with Nuk always being a reliable and consistent handler and Larry always finding power positions and keeping momentum flowing. Larry also had so many layout grabs that I lost count. Shoutout to Paolo for laying out for my throws. Shoutout to Dan B for being so kind to me even though I called him Dan S over and over again. Dan always plays tight defense and is always open. Shoutout to Nick Dehoust for his athleticism - always running down the disc on both O and D. Shoutout to all of Black team for being such a cohesive unit. We were able to introduce zone D this week and be successful at it!! That’s literally a dream come true for a league captain!

Silver- Carter was on fire today, with several dime hucks. Katie had a lot of deep scores, and Riley was making great cuts all across the field. Fiko had too many layout grabs to count.

Green - Jackson dehoust was super reliable as both a cutter and handler. Heather had great continuation cut timing and around throws. Nic Spangler had a nasty sky for a score, and was grinding hard throughout. Izzy was a super reliable handle for green and I don’t think she had a single turnover against silver.

Blue- Jackson Reed had some great smallball movement and Peggy was a killer deep threat throughout. Surprise, surprise, blue teams ladies were once again out there killing it. Always open and always making good decisions with the disc. Jonathan Estes also provided some really timely break cuts and throws. At one point Spencer scored and someone on Orange, said "they threw it to the guy who was open all point" which was just a great example of how well he consistently found the open space and blue successfully worked it through him.

White - The Taylor to Caleb connection was near impossible to stop. Caleb dominated the skies while Taylor was on fire with deep throws and clean play. It felt like JCP was permanently open and Mae seemed to be a key cog in their handler movement. Huge thanks to Taylor for taking up captaining while I was off doing commissioner stuff and for have super solid throws. The entire white team was really low on numbers but we did so good! Very proud of the way we came together against zone during the black game and figuring out how to improve collectively with no finger pointing or chippy-ness. We kept it fun and strategic. Way to grind in that Orange game when we had 2 subs.

Orange - Matt T really provided a spark coming back this week, both in terms of energy and throwing dime hicks and stellar defense in the deep space. Kurt and Stephen Kimmel were grinding the unders and helped a ton with cutter flow. Chris T, really started coming into his own showing a new confidence and it earned him several scores. Also pick-up of Maggie was a huge help, she was incredible for the handler space.

League Standings

Blue - 5:5

Black - 3:7

Silver - 9:1

Green - 4:6

Orange - 6:4

White - 3:7

Summer League Week 6

After 2 straight weeks of storm cancellations, we are back!

Silver v. White- 11:10

Blue v. Green- 13:9

Orange v. Black- 7:13

Green v. Orange - 11:10

Blue v. White- 11:9

Silver v. Black- 13:9


Black- Mary was crushing it, playing through some hard contact and making some insane grabs. Larry had a gorgeous huck towards Demetrios the end of the game. TJ played awesome on defense and offense, he was doing really well with boxing people out and finding open space. Mary has unlimited hustle, great grabs, and was still a champ even when she got her nose punched. Ezzie was a great pickup skill wise and good vibes wise!

Silver- Josh was crushing it today, making great cuts and moving the disc well. Katie had a great layout catch of a huck, and Christian won just about every jump ball. Collectively Silver handlers did great taking care of the disc throughout both games.

Green - DeHoust family with 7+ scores from Jack, Matt (Orange), and Sam (Orange). Green ran the offense through Andy and Spangler during the Orange game. Orange came back from 7-4 to tie at 10s but Izzy finished it off with a huck to Ben for the win. Green ran the offense through their ladies (Izzy, Heather, Katrina and Emma) with Ben and Tommy generating several blocks

Blue- Regent boys Caleb and Jonathan tore it up in the end zone while Dan Wilson drove the bus with several big hucks and a huge layout score. Beth Bradley locked down on D with 4 blocks.

White - James was a defensive force-I think he had 5 or 6 Ds against us. Mat was near unguardable, he would never stop running and had several layout saves of possession.

Orange - Levi had some big layout grabs for orange and Shawna dominated the cutting lanes. Orange came back from 7-4 to tie at 10s during the green game. Talk about a close game! Ditto to the dehousts- they were all making plays! Matt caught a deep ball and Sam D’ed a deep shot! Same also scored a couple goals! Shout out to Stephen Kimmel who was doing a great job cutting and also came back to handle when needed and absolutely crushed it with his safe throws and great disc movement. And Craig had some really sick inside break throws in our first game when we were struggling to get the stack flowing, but he just kept hitting the front of the stack all the way down the field!

League Standings

Blue - 5:3

Black - 2:6

Silver - 7:1

Green - 4:4

Orange - 4:4

White - 2:6

Summer League Week 3

Silver v. White- 11:4

Blue v. Green- 12:7

Orange v. Black- 10:8

Blue v. Black- 10:11

Green v. White- 11:10

Silver v. Orange- 9:7


Black- Overall athletic team! They had a lot of Ds and great plays spread out across everyone! The entire team played great defense and attacked the deep space well! Demetrios especially had amazing catches and Ds in the deep space. Paolo and Christophe had baller handler D with heads up and good communication. Nuk and Dan Bauer played really well all around. Nick DeH oust also had a dope layout D and hes always open!!

Silver- Christian is a monster in the air (and overall I suppose). John was very patient with the disc and had some gorgeous layouts. Josh had some crucial Ds, but really the whole team played great.

Green - Clemson came up with three big run through blocks and green played enough selfless system small ball ultimate to get the double game point win on an Izzy score. All three ladies (Izzy Heather and Emma) were all heavily involved driving the bus from the handler set


White - JCP and Colum had some great aerial battles, as did Taylor and Andy during the green v white game. JCP got open a ton and was a big matchup problem for silver. Huff was great yest. Stellar cuts n consistent throws. Some big skies and d too. Mike Wong for helping me captain and strong handler work. Mae was great in the handler space and grinding.

Orange - Corey was a beast in the air, and had some nice scores. Matt DeHoust also had several big Ds in the air! Aaron earns a credit for being our garbage man and catching at least 3 discs that were overthrown to other people. Sam DeHoust was a trooper and ended up finishing the game vs silver playing savage and had a bookends! Levi played super well overall!

League Standings

Blue - 3:3

Black - 1:5

Silver - 5:1

Green - 3:3

Orange - 4:2

White - 2:4

Summer League Week 2

Orange v. White- 6:9

Green v. Black - 10:6

Silver v. Blue - 13:11

White v. Black - 9:8

Silver v. Green - 12:6

Orange v. Blue - 12:8


Black- Titus got a big block and Dan Bauer got open all day long. Dan Bauer who's been super consistent both weeks, solid cutting and don’t think he's made a mistake yet with the disc. Titus for learning fast, catching a couple scores, and getting a few important D's Mary crushed in the deep space. TJ caught a tipped hammer for a goal! Demetrios Kearns was a solid handler for them and tough to guard.

Silver- Alex played excellent handler defense as did Carter, which was both confusing and awesome. Michi doing Michi things is as unstoppable as ever. Christian and Caleb Mathews were both defensive monsters. Carter has the annoyingly amazing ability to come out of nowhere and catch scores. Quinn for communicating really well as a captain with the gender zone stuff and storm restart.

I just want to share this exchange in the captain’s chat :)

Quinn said “My parents thought Caleb is incredible, and that Michi was very good. They were also wondering why David Slade doesn’t go deep more.”

Ben said “We tried sending David Slade deep in the first game and he has apparently forgotten how frisbees fly in the air. And you can quote me on that .“

Green - Xavier was consistently there for resets and so reliable with the disc. Great defense. Ariana caught a floaty pass for a goal! Izzy was unstoppable in the handler space. Tommy made several key blocks and deep goals.

Blue- Donnie had a great D. Dan W for a great layout to catch a floaty around and being a trooper as Beth figures out the whole handling gig.

White - JCP grinding and taking over on universe catching the big huck and subsequent score .Taylor and Dave had solid handler movement and beautiful throws. Neville ending the half against orange with that big end zone grab was huge. “Godwin was equally a nightmare for us on defense. He ate up all the deep shots we took that game.” - Shawna

Orange -Emma had a great D on Beth in the end zone. Emma played solid defense in both games. Matt Taleghani got a fair amount of d's in the white v orange game “Matt T on orange was a terror for us on defense”- Godwin. Maggie for being a solid handler and working well with people she’s never played with before. And welcome back Tim! He helped add a more solid base for our offense!

League Standings

Blue - 2:2

Black - 0:4

Silver - 3:1

Green - 2:2

Orange - 3:1

White - 2:2