Winter League Finals

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Blue are the champs! Final high lights from the captains!

Orange-Ezzie, Will, Joe, Juice. Ezzie and Will both had great grabs, Joe had a couple of nice assists, and Juice had all kinds of Ds.
Blue-Ethan, Langston, Hana, Mars. Ethan and Langston were a force for blue, and were about unguardable throughout. Hana had several assists, and Kate looked like the tallest person on the field throughout.
Green-Laura, Fiko. Laura had a bunch of great grabs in the end zone, and Fiko had several dime hammer assists.
White-Jaime, Christophe. Jaime was great on defense for white, getting some key Ds. Christophe was great at moving the disc for white, and had some nice grabs.

Honorable mention:Paolo’s shoulder brace for holding up despite repeated impacts