Spring League Week 6

Week 5 was cancelled due to storms.

Blue vs Gold- 0:13

Gold vs White- 12:8

Blue vs Red- 11:10

Red vs White- unsure of score. I know red lost.

Both white and red lacked ladies today so they had to play man down for their 2nd game.


White: Corey making a great catch for 2 pointer.

Blue: Peggy did not stop running. Cara had a great catch for a scoober (who knows who threw that) for a score. Scott the taco man who also never stops running.

Gold: Huffman for laying out like crazy; Shawna for inspiring us all to keep our heads on swivels; Dave for consistent cuts and throws all day. Josh with those scores.

Red: Matt D. had some really good dā€™s! Quinn, Nik, and Mike did the best they could to lead that man-down squad taking blue to uni. Aaron doesn't drop discs. Todd is great.
Special shoutout to Jamie, who is not in league but is a bet winner/taco eater.

League Standings

Blue - 3:6

Gold - 8:1

Red - 2:7

White - 5:4