Game Scores
13:8 Red v. Pink
9:10 Blue v. White
11:8 Black v. Blue
13: 7 Black v. Red
10: 8 White v. Green
10: 8 Green v. Pink
Blue- Christine picked up and played fantastic. She recorded 3 d’s on the evening (one of which she lost a cleat and still caught up to sky someone in the end zone). Izzy would like to extra shoutout Chris for D’ing Shawna in the endzone. Nick DeHoust couldn’t miss a deep shot or those 50/50 throws. Consistently finding resets and dropping dimes anywhere and everywhere on the field. Unlimited stamina - don’t think he took a single point off in two games.
Black- Dan w. put on the boosters for his last TWU games. Went up against several very tall opponents and came down victorious - establishing that there are players who are very good and still not yet on his level. Anselm made an incredible catch to prevent a callahan against Blue. Taylor had a nice layout grab to score the last point against Red. Xavier was making great cuts and seemed like he was always open. He threw a huck for a score too!
Pink- Paolo to Mary deep connection was really hard to contain. Tanya also had multiple 70 yard pulls that game. Evan and Josh Blake who were cutting really well and consistently in the right spot
Red- Stephen had a nice D in the end zone during a long point. Black had a front-row seat for Cara making a tough catch for a score against Pink and getting open and making tough catches against some good defenders. On a day where we were mostly playing 6-1, Cara and Peggy seemed to be open everywhere even with all the poaches.
White- Will Hayes with that insane layout d to seal the universe win by getting that final possession for white. Great body control and he even caught it. One of the best plays Mat’s seen all league. James and Abhi had some great hucks. Alex and James used their marital connection for a crucial score out of a timeout.
Green- Green had great energy this week and pushed hard on several long points. Kent kept his cool and scored while under pressure by White defense in Game 1. Ariana was making great cuts and finding that open space, scoring in Game 2. Titus had a sick D on Pink in Game 2. Ben found the one dry patch on Field 1 and let everyone know by diving right into it to catch the disc. Ben killed it by catching over a minimum of 2 people every deep cut. David was awesome helping out on D in Game 2, turning the disc over for Green. Kurt had a really nice 40 yard laser huck to Coral. Titus had a few nice Ds
Red: 9-3
Pink: 2-10
Green: 7-5
White: 8-4
Blue: 2-10
Black: 8-4