Thank you to Neville & Josh for scorekeeping this week. After a break for the Super Bowl, we certainly came back with a bang!
Green v Blue- 18:18 TIEEEEEEE
White v Orange - 21:19
Blue v Orange - 12:21
Green v White - 18:24
Orange-Beth caught a ton of scores and threw about a dozen hammer scores. Her hammer completion rate for the night was 100%. Peggy was always open in the end zone, and Spencer+Juice had some great looks with the disc as well as some great defense.
Green- Wes got Ds on back to back points at a pivotal moment against Blue. Fiko played very well on offense as a handler & he had a lot of assists. Michi also worked hard today and the brother/sister duo was on point. Abby worked very well today she scored alot a scores
Blue-Catherine Grossman had a lot of great throws and several pretty looking layouts. Izzy had a ton of Ds and did a good job moving the disc
White-Mike Joose (I think that’s his name) had a ton of great cuts and had a number of good scores against us. Jaime played incredibly good defense and was very difficult to cut against
Honorable Mention- Tierney came as a sub for the day and played 3 games and was so solid and consistent! We counted at least 4 hand blocks and multiple scores.
League Standings
White - 10:2
Orange - 8:4
Blue 5:6:1
Green - 0:11:1