Winter League Week 5

Thank you to Andy and Neville for scorekeeping this week.

Orange v. White: 26:16

Green v. Blue: 16:22

Blue v. White: 20:18

Orange v. Green: 21:17


Orange-Juice and Spencer were phenomenal today. Both were very consistent with the disc and had several Ds. Ben had several skies. Beth was destroying it on O and scored a lot of oranges goals. We eventually lost count of how many goals Beth had.

Juice excellent spirit for calling a foul on himself when appropriate.

Green- Luis and Alex Mudd were both great defensively for green. Their pickups (Jared/Godwin) were alright as well :P. Nolan had a sick layout D during the orange game. Shayla Moreland for jumping in am making an impact immediately.

Blue-Catherine Grossman was moving the disc really well. Ethan and Langston were both putting on a clinic and were dominating whenever they were on the field. Ethan skyed quite a few people during his games.

White-Christophe was great defensively. Ben O’Neil had some nice grabs in the end zone.

Honorable mention-Jaime was huge for us today-don’t think we could have done it without him. - Quinn

Jaime is my nominee for every game - Izzy

League Standings

White - 8:2

Orange - 7:3

Blue 5:5

Green - 0:10